I was struck by this picture while going through the LIESA Magazine (Now Farming Matters). It looked very familiar. The rear side of the apartment complex in which we live looks very much the same and the garden is somewhat similar to another place close by. It seemed to be the `real version’ of what has been hard wired in my mind for years, except that I envisaged more number of trees in the place of vegetable plots and a pond in the place of a glass house. Personally permacultural designs appeal to me more than the conventional rectangular plots of crops and nurseries.
This Cuban Urban Farm picture reevoked my tryst with City farming. It has of course been lurking in the corner of my mind ever since Chintu planted mint, which appears like a green dot from my balcony. I had been looking for an opportunity to encourage him and coax him and others to try out more. Now there is something concrete in my hand to approach them - an inspiring picture. I was sure that they would relate it to themselves … and I am right!
LEISA Newsletter got new readers (viewers?!).