Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crows in Cages

Pindas are offered to crows during the funeral rites and also on death anniversaries (taddinam). If the crow comes and eats the pinda, it is believed that the atma of the person is satiated. If otherwise it means that the person's atma is unhappy and he/she has a wish to be fulfilled. It is a great source of unhappiness if crows fail to eat the pindas. But where to find a crow in metros? We tried to convince ourselves that pigeons are the city versions of the country crows. When the priests came to perform the masikam (monthy ritual), they told that even crows are for sale, specifically for these occasions, @ Rs. 1200/crow along with the cage. (I see a business oppurtunity there?) The crow is caged, made to eat the pinda and then let go off. What is the fate of that crow then?


Sadhana Ramchander said...

Life becomes more and more artificial...

Condolences on the passing of your father-in-law.

Unknown said...

Crow is providing livelihood to at least some one


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