Three, Two and One! The party name is ... Praja Rajyam
Everyone around me was counting days, and then got glued to Television on the evening of 26th. Excitement and suspense were in the air and more so for Chiranjeevi's fans! My thought went to my classmate who was a die hard Chiru fan and challenged me once to paint his picture on the cover of a weekly in her hand, while I was busy painting the pests affecting sugarcane crop. We used to display information on crops and pests in the village, during our RAWE (Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme) programme.
And the party name is
'Praja Rajyam '. More details available on net.
From that day onwards, portrait painting has become a handy way of expressing my
concerns and/or contribution to any event.
(This is the portrait of DR. S.R. Ranganathan, considered to be the Father of Library Science', whose books we used to like more than novels. His ideas were so contemporary - or rather timeless - that they hold good for times to come.
I believe that Semantic Technologies find a way to march forward with his clue of PMEST - Personality, Matter, Energy, Space and Time.
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