Monday, February 16, 2009

Dry spell - in my blogging

With the approaching deadline for the AGROVOC revision and refinement project, I kept myself away from blogging for over one month. The most interesting thing that happened during this period was my month long vacation in my own home. I had hired a cook (s)! One lady used to come in the late evenings and her daughter used to come in the mornings. The cook was introduced by our maid servant and they could co-ordinate with each other so that my intervention was not required. It saved lot of my time and the best part was that my daughter could communicate directly with the cook and got what she wanted. I devoted the time thus saved to loiter in my balconies and drawing room, tinkering with pranayama and yoga to restore my immune system which is on rocks in the recent past.

Sankranti was celebrated with puran poli's and the chill winter evenings had the warm flavor of garlic. Soon the winter subsided giving way to `sabu dana kichidi' with a delicate flavor.

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