Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SUGUNAmma surpasses in SRI vari saagu

The default channel in our house is Bhakti channel, but during a family get together our folks were surfing channels and I chanced to see this news item - One woman farmer, Sugunamma got highest yields in SRI cultivation (Sri vari saagu)and was selected as one of the participants to attend a seminar in USA and immediately I thought that it should be posted on my blog. I tried to memorise this and my own name came to my mind as a convenient mnemonic.

The following day one of my friends called me and informed me about this Sugunamma and that an article about her appeared in EEnadu's Vasumdhara page. Thanks to her! I now have a link to more information. http://www.eenadu.net/archives/archive-13-9-2010/main4.asp

She could get an yield of up to 80 kg/acre with SRI system of rice cultivation.


Crossword puzzles for farmers