Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Professions Meet in the Most Unexpected Way

My professions (rather degrees) - Agriculture & Library & Information Science might seem to have no correlation. People thought that it was by chance that I migrated from the mainstream of agricultural education. But in reality it was a conscious decision! Information Science was my destination and Agriculture was the backdrop. Thanks to ICTs. I am able to work from home switching between roles and enjoying the best of both worlds. (It turns out to be worst of both worlds sometimes. But doesn't matter! For me this is the best...under the given circumstances of course!). Well ...I am combining both my professions to my advantage...and I believe to the advantage of my profession as well...although...there are still miles to go.

I stumbled upon this picture during one of my tea-time Internet surfing. At first I thought that it was some cover design with a 3-D effect. I took a closer look and I thought that I should start wearing glasses. My eyes fell on this line while I was just leaving the page...

"... recycle old hardback books. " and then this picture ... which is more self-explanatory

Both my professions met in the most unexpected way. Bot somehow I didn't like it much. Perhaps the librarian in me mourned because the book is dead and the Agriculturist groaned because the plant is stunted! But in one way I am convinced. Books, especially those fat ones are best as show pieces...then why can't they be planters? They serve a purpose!

I felt happy for some other reason also. There was a kind of a `tit-for-tat' feeling...

NB: The Caption Book Planters ...didn't convey sense to me at that point of time when I landed onto that page..In fact I perceived somewhat the opposite..planting ideas..through books ..or something like that because ...this sentence which I read a few second before persisted in my mind for a while..
“ My ultimate dream is to sow seeds in the desert. To revegetate the deserts is to sow seed in people's hearts.

The greening of the desert means sowing seeds in people's hearts and creating a green paradise of peace on earth.
”—Masanobu Fukuoka, The Road Back to Nature 1987 -page 360

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