Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The Seed - Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, Prolegomena of Library Science & the PMEST

Dr. S.R. Ranganathan became a household name for us when my mother joined a Library Science course in Sri Venkateswara University, where my Father was working, then as a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, with his specialization in International Relations. I was often falling sick and my mother had to stay back to nurture me. Looking back, I feel that it was perhaps a subconscious way of manifesting mother-and-me time!! Also, Tirupathi being a Temple Town, we had the influx of relatives who came on a pilgrimage to the Holy City. My mother had to skip attending many a class due to all her household responsibilities. But that didn't become a hurdle, because of the kind cooperation of her Lecturers who covered the syllabus for when it was convenient for her to receive. Prof. Guruswamy Naidu garu literally walked so many extra miles to come tour house and teach her Dr. Ranganathan's Colon Classification which she found it difficult to understand. Especially the PLANES ... As the eldest child and a daughter I was to help her with household chores while she was busy listening to the lectures. Also, I was always homeloving and preferred to stay at home than go out and play. This gave me an opportunity to develop an affinity towards the subject and the Teacher sub consciously, although with my conscious mind I was admiring the art of Library Furniture in her record. Actually, my mother was not good at drawing, at least she thought so and never tried! The drawings were done by our neighbourhood boy Venkata Ramana. He drew so nicely with a COPY pencil that used to write in fine purple shade. Ramana's drawings were as nice as he used to look! But, I had a feeling that I could do better or I would draw differently, more realistically than doing a neat job of fine copying. Decades later that wish was fulfilled, when I myself joined the Library Science Course! But what was more worthwhile was receiving a Gold Medal from none other than Sri. Guruswamy Naidu garu, who by that time became a Professor and also happened to be Head of the Department of Library & Information Sciences, Sri Venkateswara University. Prof. Raghava Reddy Gold medal was just instituted and the money accrued for the Medal was not a very huge sum and Prof. Guuruswamy Naidu garu asked if I need a BIG medal with Gold Coating or a small medal with pure gold. I opted for a smaller Pure Gold Medal, remembering a scene from a movie played by I am typing I notice the Name Coincidence. Ranganath is our Favorite actor and Person too! Something within me got healed when the University authority asked me in person about the choice of the Gold Medal that was going to be awarded to me. And Dr. Raghava Reddy garu too I know personally because he was my mother's Senior Professor!!! TailPiece: This episode in my life feels like the scene form Mahabharata listening to Lord Sri Krishna from mother Shubhadra's womb! Nurturing environment mothers create! Now I felt like looking for an art, a painting depicting thise scene - googled with the words Abhimanyu and Subhadra ...and retrieved one painting but it is a different one. Action item: Look for a painting of Lord Krishna, Shubhadra and Abhimanyu in her womb. Now, this is a CASE STUDY to see how I would retrieve this particular PAINTING from various information sources. Idea! May be I would give this as an ASSIGNMENT for the IT Employee group which I am going to address sometime during this month!

1 comment:

Sugunasri said...

In Library Science Course we are advised not to remember a book by it's cover. But personally I feel more drawn to the cover page which feels like the essence of the book captured in Visual form. Also, I develop an affinity towards the Cover page layout, colour, title and names. So overtime it becomes a sentimental thing. Hence, I chose the image of the First edition that is so nostalgic


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