Friday, March 10, 2023
International Day of Awesomeness - 2023
One of my favorite days!! Perhaps that was the reason I happened to wake up very early today, and couldn't go back to sleep until I realized that today is the Day! Yes, that is how our communication with the Universe works! Even if we forget, universe doesn't! After I understood that I could go back to sleep and in the sleep wake state, I sensed Lavender colour work sarees, someone/salesman was showing. I was asking if there are any other colours. He said NO. Then it suddenly occurred to me that my SIL wanted exactly that shade of saree and I said .."Good, pack 2" and came to wakeful state! wow special day is celebrated, in exactly the way I like it! Yes ...this is my Awesomeness! Buying it is a different thing. While I trust and allow it's manifestation, I am not dogmatic about actually "buying" or "me wearing". For me, the higher experience is more than that...
But there was something more...I had selected a picture from internet and was trying to fit as my WhatsApp DP ...and while doing so I had to scribble the letters "ness". As I was scribbling the letters, the letters SS were telling me something...which I didn't understand at that time...
A little later in the day, I was refreshing my Instagram feed and I saw them (Horse cart Handles)!! The mirror image of the letters SS as if the vibe I felt was reflecting back! While the vibrational match was soo obvious for me...also it was something to do with Horses and Horse cart...only I knew I was thinking about Horse cart! Luckily I had already posted about Horses yesterday...
I like soo many things but it is not wise to Buy everything that I like 😄😆😅
I just made a collage of the images which made sense to ME 😃 ...These kind of things often remind me about Shankara Sastry gari Role in the movie Samkarabharanam...
"ఆయన పాటే కాదు మాట కూడా అర్థమై చావదు నాకు" అన్న సినిమా డైలాగ్ గుర్తొస్తుంటుంది నాకు తరచూ. పాట సంగతి పక్కన పెడితే ...నా మాటలు అర్థం అవ్వడం కష్టమే. అయినా నా మాటలు అర్థం చేసుకోవాల్సిన అవసరం కూడా ఎవరికీ లేదు. ఎవరికి వారు అర్థమైతే చాలు!
By the time we understand our very own awesomeness we sometimes stop making sense to people. When the Awesomeness is in recognized and coveted fields it is easier for people to comprehend. But when our Awesomeness is way too unique, that is precisely when we need days like these!!
They feel like Mirror images...
Literally...everything reflects, when the soul is polished!
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