Monday, February 20, 2023

Dialogue with the Divine!

Today's sleep wake visions felt like that! Some Inner Guidance...I don't know as of now, as to how they would take shape in 3 D reality...but I would like to recollect those and put on record... At the moment I am able to recollect only a few .... Shilaa Chitra - Sketching/Painting of Statues, Stone Idols and even simple rocks. I was 'asking' if it should be something starting with Chitra...on the lines of other names I have given. But the answer felt like 'stick to Chitra as the beginning word'. Then the word 'Kudya Chitra' seeped in...softly after a very bright vision which felt like a sudden DAWN bringing the entire BIG WALL of our Apartment building into LIGHT...then the word Kudya Chitra felt so obvious reminding me of PadmaPani Ajanta painting and then Graffiti. May be these are suggestions for the upcoming drawing classes.
A little later I saw a Triangular Tamborine!! That was very interesting and I was so curious to see if a Triangular tamborine really exists. But No, Tamborine and Triangle are separate, but because of this, I could get to know about the musical instrument, the Triangle!! Now, as I am typing I get it! Drawing Subject for Next Class is Tamborine and for the Toddlers it is Triangle!! Drawing various musical instruments has been on my mind since a very very long time ...I was wanting to receive a name for that also, but by that time my Mind became active and was interfering with the inner guidance. However, there was another vision...a feeble one though. It was a Round Hoop hung with a small thread just like the way the Triangle musical instrument is hung. I rushed to check if it exists but ...I didn't find any suitable picture or art depicting it. I continued to sleep until I had two more visions...the Triangular Tamborine and then a Golden Pupa!
The tiny toy tamborine that I was looking at with much love yesterday, while rummaging for something got reflected. Painting on Wood - also comes to my mind seeing something before me... Yes! I am keen on having painted wooden parrot and/or some other design, perhaps Yali ...wall brackets...

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